Saturday, December 09, 2006

And then, another day off

I planned to get up and swim yesterday but I woke up with a nasty cold- I think it's the post-flight home cold that I almost always get after traveling. Then Superman was up over night so I just slept in a little before going to work.

This week seemed to last forever at work. I only got in 3 good workout days which was a little disappointing but I am just exhausted. Having 2 colds within a week and a half has taken a lot out of me so I'm not going to let myself feel too guilty.

My dad was admitted to the hospital last night for abnormal heart function. The top of the heart isn't beating in sync with the bottom half. So he'll be in the hospital until they're relatively sure that he hasn't developed a blood clot- something that seems to run in his family. It's a sobering thing, to be faced with the reality that my parents are getting older and I can't just take for granted that they'll be here for the kids' high school graduations, college graduations, wedding days, etc. But I'm sure hoping that they will be. Keep your fingers crossed for my dad, or say a little prayer if you could. Thanks.


Duane said...

You, your dad, and family will be in our prayers.

Unknown said...

Will pray for your Dad.

Also - I know how you feel about missing workouts. I skipped a few this week due to 'exhaustion'. Whether it is a cold, stress, or just plain not getting enough sleep, it just got the best of me. C'est la vie!

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

I sure will. I lost my Mom a few years back - I'm almost resentful of people who still have theirs. Dad, meanwhile, is lost and lonely.

Triteacher said...

I'm sorry to hear that - keep yourself healthy and strong.

greyhound said...

Second blog in a row I read where folks are dealing with parental aging issues. I know it's coming for me as well, and I really really wonder whether I'm up to it.

i am Susan said...

Hope your dad is going to be ok...definitely keep him in my prayers.