Saturday, May 24, 2008


I meant to post my pre-race goals but never got around to it. They were
1. Finish the 5 mile race.
2. Have fun.
3. Keep up 9:00 mile pace.

As it turned out I managed 1 out of 3. I finished, but I did not enjoy myself at all and my pace wasn't exactly what I would have hoped for. The only good thing is that I think the lesson learned was that I cannot run a 5-mile race on no food or water pre-race. I had intended to eat breakfast but I was running around a bit crazy pre-race trying to get the kids ready for their races and wrapping an anniversary gift for my parents.

Short story would be that my splits were as follows:
Mile 1- 8:40
Mile 2- 9:00
Mile 3- 9:20
Mile 4- 10:20
Mile 5- 11:01
Total time- 47:21, a 9:28 per mile overall pace. If I had finished with that time and felt like I did my first two races I don't think I would be as upset about the time. But since I really felt awful, I'm a bit disappointed with the race. Oh well. There will be others.

The boys did great in the kids race, I'll have details and pictures soon.


Anonymous said...

I'm learning that they can't all be great races (even tho we don't see why they can't be all great), but we learn a little every time one doesn't go the way we want, and next time we do it different.

Looking forward to the pics (your kids are sooo cute doing yoga!)

ShyTriGirl said...

Still a great pace in my opinion!

ShesAlwaysWrite said...

Even though you didn't love it, I think you did an amazing job! I would have passed out without breakfast.

Missed my first attempt at 5 miles due to a migraine yesterday. I'm pacing around 14 minutes outside (~13:30 on treadmill), so I think your mostly sub 9& 10 pace is killer!