My weekend off turned into a Monday morning off from the gym as well after last night's adventures with Hot Wheels. I'm wondering whether he was afraid that when I said I had to go to work today that I would be gone for a few days again, despite my reassurance that I would be back for dinner. Just before bedtime last night he became very upset and started crying for seemingly no reason. I was finally able to calm him down and get him to sleep, although when I checked on him half an hour later he was still doing the hitched breathing that remains long after the crying has subsided. About an hour after I checked on him he started sobbing again and wanted me to "have a sleepover" so I laid in his bed thinking I could still get back to my bed before 11pm. Not so much. He was inconsolable for hours, and I even gave him some Motrin and some Mylicon to try to alleviate the aches he claimed. I wouldn't have given him the Motrin except that it was soon after I came in and he said his head hurt, so I thought it would head off a fever if it was coming. The Mylicon is pretty inocuous- any parent of an infant loves the gas-relieving Mylicon drops. He had some gas and that was my second guess. He finally fell into fitful sleep some time after 1am but he was up again about 3:30am. When my watch alarm went off at 4:30am, I tried to get out of the bed, but he awoke again and started sobbing, so I shut off the alarm and went back to my cramped position that resembled something similar to a person sleeping, but not quite. I decided that the gym could wait one more day. When he woke up a little before 7am he was still very upset. We checked his temp and it was 99.9 F, unusual for him to be running any fever and he tends to run low, like me, with a norm in the low 97's, so that might have contributed to his discomfort. About 15 minutes after another dose on Motrin he seemed fine. I headed off to work, a bit late, but I got there. Not that it was great to be back- even with the pain of traveling, I did enjoy the time away. I was told there might be another training class opportunity in either February or April- one within driving distance and the other just a short flight, so that would be do-able. I'm always excited after coming back from a training or a meeting where I've got a renewed sense of purpose for my job. Funny how it barely takes until lunch time for that enthusiasm to be beaten out of me once again.
There's nothing quite like coming home at the end of a day, though. I was a little late- since I went in late, so it was almost dark when I got home. We'll probably throw on a movie in a few minutes and hang out in the family room for a while. That's always fun. If it's nice tomorrow we'll get out for a walk when I get home, but it's dark a little after 4:30pm, so it's not as much fun until spring. But Hot Wheels and Superman have way-y-y-y-y too much energy for staying indoors all day, as they should being preschool boys. So, tomorrow's it's back to the gym and back to after-work walks. Good for everyone.
p.s. Aren't they so handsome?
Yes, they are handsome. And I have to laugh - your boys get you out the door while our puppydog is definitely the driving force here. There is NO OTHER WAY I'd be hauling my cookies out there at 6AM in 20 degrees!
They are handsome indeed!
You were brave to even THINK about getting a gym workout in at five a.m.! Such cutey pies!
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